Radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer (General Information)

Radioiodine Therapy For Thyroid Cancer (General Information) Thyroid cells have the capacity to take up iodine and iodine is essential for the growth and function of thyroid cells. This principle is utilized in radioiodine treatment of thyroid cancers after initial surgery. Radioactive iodine (called I131) can seek out and destroy any remaining thyroid cells (including […]

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The thyroid gland is located in the lower part of the front of the neck. It is responsible for the formation and secretion of thyroid hormones. Around 90% of the hormone made by the thyroid gland is thyroxine (T4) which is inactive, and 10% is the active thyroid hormone called triiodothyronine (T3). T4 is released

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Nutrition – Diet to lower blood pressure

High Blood Pressure What is high blood pressure & why is it dangerous?  High blood pressure (also called hypertension) is a condition in which blood pressure remains elevated (generally greater than 140/90).  Hypertension increases the work your heart is to perform which can lead to heart damage over time called congestive heart failure.  In addition,

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